Harness the power of
AI for the growth
of your business
Dealing with complex problems in an ever more challenging environment takes a passionate team laser-focused on finding the right solution. LogicAI is a company built by exactly this kind of people. A proof? Our founders are the creators of the world’s leading data science community, the Kaggle Days, and we’re always on the lookout for the brightest talent.
We prefer for our performance to speak for itself – and here’s a bird’s eye
prestigious competitions won
mln global community of Data Scientists
years on
AI projects delivered
What do we bring
to the table?
Consulting & Development
Whether it’s a single project you need to get off the ground or a long-term venture with a broader scope – we got your back. Coming in, we want to get to know the problem at hand in depth. Only then can we offer the appropriate solution. And if you’re looking to build up the AI capacity within your company, we also offer training sessions for your team.

Implementation of AI products in your business

Tailor-made design, delivery and maintenance of machine learning software

Building and implementing a comprehensive AI strategy

Our flagship product is RecoAI – an ethical, AI-powered recommendation system that quickly and accurately connects online customers with the products they want by analyzing their real-time behavior. Another product we offer is EventAI – a Machine Learning tool for analysis, simulation, and prediction of individual customer decisions.

RecoAI – AI-powered recommendation system

EventAI – Machine Learning tool for analysis

The Kaggle & KaggleDays
We believe in fostering the brightest talent in the field of Data Science – and thanks to our involvement in Kaggle Days, we’ve got access to the largest talent pool in the industry. This helps us build teams that possess a unique skill set to solve any problems encountered by our clients. Kaggle and Google designated as their trusted partners – and if these two respected institutions trusted us, so can you.

We help companies build their own communities

Join 50+
already growing with us
This is what our clients
say about us

LogicAI is a reliable partner. They’ve created a complex solution, a framework that made it possible to prepare recommendations based on our users online behaviours. After implementation, we were able to achieve CTR up to 30% higher. We see its potential in suggesting our clients what they might like and we are eager to see the further development of the product.
Solutions for
your company
Computer vision
Is it a gun or a banana? One is deadly, and the other is… delicious – and AI can tell the difference. But Object recognition is just a small fraction of what today’s AI technology can offer. Imagine being a police officer getting a detailed image of a suspect from just a few words of description – that’s the kind of impressive results a well-run AI project can deliver.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Object recognition
- Image-to-text translation
- Image generation
Articles on this topic
Text processing and chatbots (NLP)
A large volume of customer service requests can be a bottleneck in developing a business - but what if handling at least some of them could be automated away? Thanks to advanced, AI-powered text processing and chatbot technology, you can sift through the customers' communications and separate those needing human intervention from those that can be handled by a computer.
We can help build your company's capacities in:
- Sentiment analysis
- Text similarity analysis
- Text processing
- Chatbots and smart user interfaces
Articles on this topic
Sound processing
Whether it’s a grand-scale project, like an Alexa-style user interface that’s based entirely on human speech, or something smaller – we got your back. AI-powered sound processing technology can be used in a vast number of industries and business areas: from customer service, through remote education to telemedicine.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Speech-to-text and text-to-speech
- Speech and audio processing (e.g. call center recordings)
- User interfaces
Articles on this topic
Anomaly detection
Don’t let them slip through the cracks! Machine Learning is all about patterns – so it’s no wonder that AI-powered technology is exceedingly well-suited to any work that involves detecting anomalies within vast quantities of data. Banking, insurance, and other industries that deal with potentially risky interactions can all benefit from robust anomaly detection systems.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Fraud detection
- Early warning systems (e.g. fast malfunction detection)
Articles on this topic
Customer analytics and recommendations
What’s the most profitable price point at which to sell my product? Why have my customers stopped coming back? AI-powered customer analytics can help you answer those questions and more. From recommender systems (like our flagship product –RecoAI), to even more elaborate applications – AI can help to understand and navigate the market better.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Sales / price optimization
- Churn / customer retention
- Recommender systems
- Customer segmentation
Articles on this topic
Predictions and optimization
Predictions and optimizations are a set of tried and true – and very powerful – solutions used in a vast number of data science projects in a wide range of industries. Banking institutions predicting whether a loan will default, a call center predicting the number of calls per hour they will receive, maps calculating the best car routes at any given time – these technologies contribute seamlessly contribute to our daily lives so much it’s hard to imagine world without them.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Automated order / complaints / forms processing
- Data transfer (e.g. between departments, branches, etc.)
- Payroll processing
Articles on this topic
Web analytics
That last spike of traffic on your websites? It means something – and thanks to AI-powered web analytics, you can figure out what it is quicker. It’s actionable business intelligence that will help your business grow bigger and bigger – let us help you make the most of it.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Conversion rate optimization
- Attribution modeling
- Product ranking/search engine optimization
Articles on this topic:
Ensemble models
Not sure whetter your project fits neatly into any one category?
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Medical image generation
- Medical image classification
- Medical image translation
Articles on this topic
Computer vision
Is it a gun or a banana? One is deadly, and the other is… delicious – and AI can tell the difference. But Object recognition is just a small fraction of what today’s AI technology can offer. Imagine being a police officer getting a detailed image of a suspect from just a few words of description – that’s the kind of impressive results a well-run AI project can deliver.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Object recognition
- Image-to-text translation
- Image generation
Articles on this topic:
Computer Vision Applications
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Image Recognition
Text processing and chatbots (NLP)
A large volume of customer service requests can be a bottleneck in developing a business – but what if handling at least some of them could be automated away? Thanks to advanced, AI-powered text processing and chatbot technology, you can sift through the customers’ communications and separate those needing human intervention from those that can be handled by a computer.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Sentiment analysis
- Text similarity analysis
- Text processing
- Chatbots and smart user interfaces
Articles on this topic:
Sound processing
Whether it’s a grand-scale project, like an Alexa-style user interface that’s based entirely on human speech, or something smaller – we got your back. AI-powered sound processing technology can be used in a vast number of industries and business areas: from customer service, through remote education to telemedicine.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Speech-to-text and text-to-speech
- Speech and audio processing (e.g. call center recordings)
- User interfaces
Articles on this topic:
Anomaly detection
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Fraud detection
- Early warning systems (e.g. fast malfunction detection)
Articles on this topic:
Fraud detection for Polish Ministry of Health
Brainstorm for social good: Fatalities on the roads
Customer analytics and recommendations
What’s the most profitable price point at which to sell my product? Why have my customers stopped coming back? AI-powered customer analytics can help you answer those questions and more. From recommender systems (like our flagship product –RecoAI), to even more elaborate applications – AI can help to understand and navigate the market better.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Sales / price optimization
- Churn / customer retention
- Recommender systems
- Customer segmentation
Articles on this topic:
Real-time recommendation systems for session-based user activities
Building real-time recommendations for e-commerce giant
Predictions and optimization
Predictions and optimizations are a set of tried and true – and very powerful – solutions used in a vast number of data science projects in a wide range of industries. Banking institutions predicting whether a loan will default, a call center predicting the number of calls per hour they will receive, maps calculating the best car routes at any given time – these technologies contribute seamlessly contribute to our daily lives so much it’s hard to imagine world without them.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Automated order / complaints / forms processing
- Data transfer (e.g. between departments, branches, etc.)
- Payroll processing
Articles on this topic:
Automated Data Collection – How can it Help your Business?
Predicting Customer Behaviour with Artificial Intelligence
Web analytics
That last spike of traffic on your websites? It means something – and thanks to AI-powered web analytics, you can figure out what it is quicker. It’s actionable business intelligence that will help your business grow bigger and bigger – let us help you make the most of it.
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Conversion rate optimization
- Attribution modeling
- Product ranking/search engine optimization
Articles on this topic:
Ensemble models
Not sure whetter your project fits neatly into any one category?
We can help build your company’s capacities in:
- Medical image generation
- Medical image classification
- Medical image translation
Articles on this topic:
A closer look at AI solutions for health, education, and environment

Our community is here to help
For a long time, LogicAI has supported the global data science community – and in return, the community is eager to support us back. Thanks to our association with Kaggle Days, we can draw on the expertise of a vast number of experienced practitioners to solve
your problem.
Stories worth
4 – Nature never goes out of style!
4 – Nature never goes out of ...
Five continents, twelve events, one grand finale, and a community of more than 10 million - that's Kaggle Days, a nonprofit event for data science enthusiasts and Kagglers. Beginning in November 2021, hundreds of participants attending each meetup face a daunting task to be on the podium and win one of three invitations to the finals in Barcelona and prizes from Kaggle Days and Z by HPZ by HP.

Paras Varshney16 Aug 2022
3 – Now you are playing with power
3 – Now you are playing with ...
"It was amazing," commented attendees of the third Kaggle Days X Z by HP World Championship meetup, and we fully agree. The Moscow event brought together as many as 280 data science enthusiasts in one place to take on the challenge and compete for three spots in the grand finale of Kaggle Days in Barcelona. Of course, we already know the winning teams that best handled the contest task. In addition to the excitement of the competition, in Moscow were also inspiring lectures, speeches, and fascinating presentations of modern equipment. As always, at Kaggle Days, a lot was going on.

Paras Varshney16 Aug 2022